Failure frame i became the strongest

Failure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongest
Failure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongest
Failure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongestFailure frame i became the strongest